About us

Tim Garside has always been passionate about items made in wood. From an early age he qualified as a cabinet maker and trained in older techniques as well as worked with some of the most prominent Antique dealers and Restorers in England.

Now based in Sydney since 1999, with over 35 years of experience, Tim through “Garside Restoration and Fine Furniture” works closely with customers to ensure their treasured items are restored in a manner that is appropriate and in other instances, designing and constructing commissioned items to fulfill their requests.

Registered with the Museum and Galleries commission and Bonhams Register in London, National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Sydney Clock Makers Association, Tim is a master craftsman like no other with skills that are needed for the finest of work and detail.

Email Me or phone (02) 94576679 for more information.


Rosewood card Table
English Oak Dresser
Regency Table Dining Table Restoration
Queen Anne Grandfather Clock Restoration
Corner Cupboard
Inlay veneer repair, fine restoration
Georgian Restoration/Conservation
Queen Anne Restoration/ Conservation
Clock Restoration
Mahogany Dining Chair Restoration
Scottish Mahogany Grandfather Clock Case with Swan Neck Pediment ( before and after)
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